Race and Grace Mondays

A group of peers stands in a circle with hands on each other's shoulders

United In Prayer For Racial Righteousness

Race & Grace Mondays is an initiative to help the body of Christ stand unified in prayer for the eradication of racism in America by collectively filling Mondays with prayer for racial equity, healing, reconciliation, & restorative action in arenas & lives where discrimination has devalued the dignity of people of color.

One Day Of The Week.
One Focus. All In.

We’re setting apart Mondays as the national day to pray for righteousness & justice on the racial front. Let’s fill it with hundreds of thousands of commitments from the body of Christ across all faith traditions – signifying the Church’s stand to unite & pray for the issues & the end of racial discrimination. We’ll band together to pray bold prayers for a shift in culture – One that encourages crossing the divides rather than increasing the divides – A bridge-building, diversity-celebrating culture of equality, justice, reconciliation & unity.

Prayer as Activism

This prayer campaign is intended to serve as an altar & marker of solidarity with all those impacted by racism in the US.It’s an act of sacred protest against prejudice in all its forms as we unite & invite God to bring transformation in ways only He can, & invite Jesus to use us as His body to become answers to those prayers as peacemakers & advocates for equality in all our spaces of influence.

Race & Grace Mondays

Participate as an individual, family, group, church, denomination or organization. You decide which Mondays you’ll commit to pray on, where, & for how long. Pray in ways already familiar to you & according to your own faith traditions. Register & receive a complete list of prayer themes, followed by one prayer theme a month highlighted & broken into four focuses to pray into. These will also include suggested ways to pray with creativity, helpful kids resources, social media shareables, & an invite to our quarterly virtual prayer vigil to join in with others across the nation for an hour of engaging, interactive prayer together.

Sign Up to Pray

Register & receive a complete list of prayer themes, followed by one prayer theme a month highlighted & broken into four focuses to pray into.

A group of peers stands in a circle with hands on each other's shoulders